Our grandson Jake is writing a book because his future wife, Ariana, is writing a book. Jake and Ariana met in nursery school when they were three. Jake came home and announced that they are getting married. They have never wavered during their long engagement. Ariana is a true genius. She could read and write at two and speaks three languages. When they moved into kindergarten she was accelerated to Grade 1 and Jake was not. When he found out she was writing a book, he said he was writing one too so he could get in the same class as Ariana. His book was called Animals of the World.
One day the Suffolk County School Superintendent was touring Jake's school and stopped by his desk. Jake was hard at work so he asked what he was doing and Jake told him, "I'm writing a book."
"May I please read it?"
When he finished the page and telling Jake how well he was doing, he started to leave and Jake yelled, "No, come back, that's only chapter one." It must be a great book, it even had "octopi" in it.
When Jake found out that this wasn't enough to get into a higher grade, he started his quest for more knowledge. He wanted to learn everything about the universe. We think it must be Ariana's newest project. He knew that his father, Howie, went to Harvard Business School, so he started asking him all about the universe and when Howie said, "I don't know but I'll find out." Jake said, "No, I'll find out." He came back later and named off all the planets in order from the sun. He then said, "Most people think that Jupiter has 4 moons but they are wrong. Daddy, do you know how many moons it has?" When Howie said he didn't know, Jake said, "There are 22. What do you think of that, Mr. Business School?"
Jake's family tree project, Jake, Becca, and Mia
Valentine's Day presents from Grandma June & Grandma Arnie.
Rebecca got chocolates; Jacob and Amelia got them too along with Home Depot's tool and treasure kits.
Daddy helped them build.
They did the painting.
Then taught Grandma to play Mousetrap.
Then they taught Daddy how to play air hockey.